Hair loss is a common issue among people after a particular age. Before we check on the best method for hair loss treatment Melbourne, let us check out the facts about hair loss.
Facts about hair loss
- Loss of hair in the scalp without any kind of scarring is a common condition that affects many people at some point in their life.
- Medical professionals need to first distinguish the reasons for hair loss i.e. due to hair shaft breakage or due to a decrease in hair growth.
- Men and women experience common balding due to the different effects of testosterone metabolites in the genetically sensitive hair follicles
- Anemia, thyroid disease, secondary syphilis, protein deficiency, vitamin deficiency and chemotherapy may also cause loss of hair
- Alopecia areata is the most common form of hair loss that occurs due to the autoimmune destruction of the hair follicles in a particular area of the skin
- The scalp specialist doctor may recommend medicines such as Rogaine for the regrowth of hair
- Hair loss can be prevented by maintaining good hair hygiene, good nutrition and regular shampooing
- Medical screenings for loss of hair involve blood tests like CBC or Complete blood count test, Vitamin B test, Iron level test, a biopsy of the scalp and thyroid function test.
Hair Loss treatment Melbourne
Hair Therapy for Hair Loss treatment is the most innovative and modern treatment method for hair loss. Hair therapy for hair loss treatment Melbourne is a minimally invasive procedure that mainly involves injecting the healthy platelets of the patient into their scalp. It is considered to be one of the safest and the most effective ways to treat any type of hair loss.
Hair Loss treatment Melbourne
Platelet Rich Plasma is a novel technique that helps to isolate and use enriching substances present in the patient’s blood platelets, called platelet growth factors. These enriching substances are capable of accelerating and stimulating tissue regeneration, which results in hair regrowth in the bald regions of the scalp.
The biostimulation of the skin tissues increases the vascularization of the hair follicle, which further stimulates the formation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, thus inducing follicular regeneration in patients with moderate hair loss.
In the PRP technique plasma enriched by growth factors is introduced into the scalp skin with the help of microinjections.
To obtain this plasma, small blood samples are taken from the patient and the plasma fractions are separated by a properly controlled centrifugation process.
The “platelet-rich plasma” is then injected at the tissue level to stimulate its regeneration, using very fine needles that make the procedure practically painless.
Once the treatment is finished, the patient can resume their normal activity immediately, therefore, no downtime is required for this treatment.
To speak to exports about hair loss treatment Melbourne, you must visit Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre today.