Fraxel Dual laser is effective in reducing the skin’s aging effects caused by environmental factors like sun exposure, pollution, and even smoking. Fraxel laser treatment offered by our clinic in Melbourne could be used effectively for skin rejuvenation, acne scar treatments, melasma, fine lines, wrinkles and skin tightening treatments. Fraxel lasers usually deliver microscopic laser energy columns right into the dermis for creating minute wounds that would be triggering the natural healing process of your body. This provides effective skin treatment with less risk and even less downtime.
Fraxel lasers are known to impact two layers of your skin. At first, it affects the epidermis and then the dermis. The dermis comprises a network of primary structural proteins and also the fibrous glycoprotein of diverse connective tissues, these proteins help in keeping your skin firm and youthful. With age due to the excessive exposure to the sun, these proteins are known to break down much faster as compared to the time required for rebuilding them. As such your skin would be demonstrating aging signs.
The Fraxel dual lasers would be penetrating your skin’s dermis that would surely be stimulating and triggering the natural healing response of your body. The healthy tissues gradually start invading the area treated by the laser thus, facilitating quick effective healing. The healthy tissue would carry on growing and multiplying. In this context, you must understand the damaged tissue is eventually pushed up toward the epidermal layer and finally, out of the skin.
The Fraxel laser treatments at a time would be precisely targeting only a fraction of your skin facilitating your body to experience a super-quick healing. Fraxel lasers are effective over a broader spectrum of skin types when compared to the usual non-fractional lasers.