Swift Research were commissioned by the R&D team of a well established skincare brand to conduct investigative research to generate new ideas and concepts for the brand and to gain insight to direct future product development and initiatives.
The aim of the research was to uncover hidden needs and develop a number of concepts to address these currently unknown needs. The research was not limited to daily routine skincare, but encompassed all skin concerns, treatments and equipment.
Swift Research Solution
Due to the exploratory objectives of the research, a qualitative approach was taken, comprising of 3 reconvenedfocus groups, with time in between for product assessment and development of ideas.
Males and females aged 18-24 years who used skincare products on a daily basis were recruited face to face. All those recruited were happy to attend all groups and take part in a 1 week product trial.
The pre-groups lasted approximately 1 hour and covered discussions around respondents’ current regimes, the brands and types of products used, skin frustrations and unmet needs. Respondents were then taken on an accompanied shop to a high street pharmacy / chemist and asked to browse the displays and choose appealing skincare products.
Groups were reconvened after the shop to assess all products purchased and to identify appealing product claims and ingredients. Discussions also included what if anything was missing, focusing on ingredients and claims, with the end result being to create the ideal product by combining the required product benefits to develop solutions for their unmet needs. The post-shop group lasted approximately 1 hour.
Respondents then trialled their chosen products for one week, completing a paper diary and taking pictures / a video diary of product usage.Groups were reconvened after the trial for the last time to discuss experiences over the past week, any changes in routine to accommodate the new products, any skin benefits seen, convenience issues and frustrations encountered
The research provided key insights into the perception of the current skincare market and identified opportunities and potential solutions for male and females’ unmet needs. The client also gained first hand experience of the buying process having observed the accompanied shop stage of the research, having a better understanding of shelf positioning, packaging and appealing product claims.
The results were utilised to develop new products for the brand.