Laser hair removal has become very popular among people as it helps with effective reduction of excessive or unwanted hair from the body. Laser treatment for excess hair removal is the best long term and permanent solution to the problem of excessive body hair.
The laser treatment targets the hair follicles and disrupts their growth. At the same time, it leaves the skin completely unaffected. Laser hair removal is more efficient and effective than any other temporary methods of hair removal like shaving, waxing, plucking etc. the management of body hair becomes easy and convenient with laser hair removal.
Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre offers the most comprehensive laser treatment for excess hair removal Melbourne with the latest state of the art laser technology.
Intense Pulsated Light for excess hair removal
IPL or Intense Pulsated Light emits short and effective burts of laser beams on the targeted area of the skin. The melanin present on the skin and hair absorbs this light. The heat generated from the laser beams kills the hair follicles, which arrests the growth of hair cells and triggers skin regeneration.
Though IPL treatment is ideal for most skin types, it may not be suitable for a few skin types. The Skin doctor will first conduct a detailed examination of your skin type and then recommend the right laser treatment for excess hair removal.
Facts about laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is very effective in permanent or long term removal of unwanted body hair
The laser technique removes the superficial hair or hair present on the surface of the skin in a focused and targeted manner.
The laser treatment uses different wavelengths of laser beams for removal of different types of hair from different skin types.
Do not wax, thread, tweeze or do any other hair removal activity prior to your treatment. This will make the treatment ineffective.
Simply shave the hair in the targeted area one or two days before the treatment. Don’t do it on the day of the treatment, it may impact the treatment outcome.
The patient may experience short term swelling or pinkness of the skin. The swelling is formed due to the dying of the hair follicles. The doctor may suggest a moisturiser or skin cream that can heal the skin issues within one or two days of treatment.
The treatment has to be performed by an experienced Skin doctor to achieve the best hair removal results with minimal short term side effects. Inexperience or use of cheap laser equipment may even cause unwanted side effects like scabbing, blisters, hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation.
Therefore, you need to check and research the credentials and experience of the skin doctor and the clinic before you decide to undergo laser hair removal.
Dr Shobhna Singh is an experienced Skin doctor with vast experience in laser treatment for excess hair removal Melbourne. To consult with Dr Shobhna, Visit Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre today.