Unbearable pain, itchiness, scars, and dull skin… the most infamous gifts of acne!
Lucky few get rid of them after the teenage years are over, but, unlucky few like us have to deal with them for a much longer period of time.
Many times, it so happens that we wake up in the morning and half-expect these ugly acnes to just disappear, but, when we stand in front of the mirror, to our utter horror, we find out, they have multiplied…again!!
Face, neck, chest, shoulders and upper arms are the areas that are most commonly victimized by the acne and its stubborn marks. Mostly, all the irritating facial concerns like blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, pimples, nodules and papules fall under acne problem caused by P. acnes bacteria.
Though with the progression in dermatological science, many safe and effective acne removal treatments as well as acne scarring treatments have evolved, at Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre, we suggest before investing big bucks on one of these acne treatments, try understanding what is the cause behind acne outbreak. After all, haven’t you heard, understanding a problem is the first step towards solving it?
So, let us find out more about acne causes in order to prevent its occurrence.
Clogged Pores and Infection:
This is one of the very common acne causes. Due to daily exposure to dirt and pollution, dust and dead cells accumulate in our skin pores, which further combines with the sebum, an oily substance secreted by the glands
located at the base of the hair follicles. This sticky combination of grime, sebum and dead cells clogs the pores of the skin and in time gets infected by P. acnes bacteria, resulting in the outbreak of different types of acne.
Precaution: The only method to avoid acne caused due to this reason is by keeping the face clean. Wash your face with a PH balanced face wash, in the morning and night before retiring to bed. Use of tea tree oil toner once a day will help in destroying the bacteria and also proper exfoliation once a week, followed by anti-acne mask will help in keeping the face clean and pimple free. For better results, one can also try a few sessions of microdermabrasion skin treatment from a dermatologist.
Hormonal Factors:
A sudden change in our hormonal level might result in the appearance of acne and this is exactly the reason why teenagers get acne after hitting puberty. When we approach adolescence, our body starts secreting dominating amount of androgen which then gets converted to estrogen. This excessive amount of androgen in our body enlarges the sebum glands, thus activating the glands to produce a large amount of sebum content. The exceeding quantity of sebum increases the growth of bacteria, which is one of the primary acne causes in females.
Precaution: Keep your skin clean to fight acne and also improving the diet might help in this case. For instance, avoid munching on oily, greasy food and consume lots of green and fresh vegetables, fruits, walnuts and fish. A diet change will definitely help to get rid of acne if this is the reason behind acne and its tenacious spots.
Emotional stress:
Stress and strain of our hectic lives not only affect us mentally, but it harms us physically also. The perpetual stress creates havoc within our body, disrupting the hormonal balance completely. Irregular hormone secretion due to stress or depression can activate the glands to produce extra sebum, thus making the skin oily and acne prone.
Precautions: Even in hectic schedules, try relaxing a bit. Yoga or meditation certainly helps in soothing mind. Along with that, try getting proper sleep, it will rejuvenate both body and soul, thus eliminating the acne causes also.
Greasy cosmetics:
Cosmetic products generally come in two types of bases: one is oil based and another is aqua based. Oil-based cosmetics or creams have a tendency of blocking the skin pores and also it makes skin very sticky, thus attracting grime to the skin easily and suffocating it. Sometimes, after applying a new skin product, we develop certain acne problems, it is because of the oily base that any person with acne prone skin must avoid.
Precautions: Before purchasing any new skin product, check whether it is oil-based or aqua-based. Always buy aqua based skin products as they are easily absorbed in the skin but does not leave a sticky residue on the skin.
If someone is having PMS or PCOS or any other menstruation-related problems, then acne outbreak is pretty common. It is, in fact, a symptom of such diseases. Also, during the menstrual cycle, acne appears due to disruption of hormonal balance. So, if menstruation issues are the acne causes, it is best to pay a visit to a doctor.
Precautions: In this case, a consultation with a gynaecologist doctor will be a wise decision. Apart from that, for acne removal, theraclear acne treatment can be implemented for effective reduction in acne occurrence.
Genetic Factors:
With respect to hereditary connections, sometimes, we inherit the gene that is responsible for acne production, which means if in a family, the ancestors had severe acne issues, then it is possible this acne disorder will transfer to the future generation as well. In such a case, the best we can do is keep our skin clean and use anti-acne cream and other anti-acne skin products.
Precautions: When genetic codes bear the acne causes, it is best to maintain skin hygiene and eat healthily. Also, to get rid of acne, acne treatments at a good skin clinic in Melbourne will definitely help.
Erratic lifestyle:
Our lifestyle has a profound impact on our appearance. Present day lifestyle mostly means erratic sleep timings, junk food binging, late night working hours and parties, etc. All such factors lead to acne eruption and the only way to prevent acne, in this case, is by adjusting our lifestyle in proper order.
Precautions: A healthy lifestyle and fresh, balanced diet is the secret acne cure in this case.
At Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre, Melbourne, we offer a wide range of acne treatments to remove both acne and its scars. But, to eradicate them completely, it is best to follow a proper skincare regime every day along with our preferred acne treatments, which eradicate all the acne causes from the root.
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