We all know that Skin loses its youthful charm with the passage of time. But, do you know why? It is because dust, dirt and dead cells together form an impenetrable layer on our skin that eclipses its natural glow and coagulates the pores, resulting in acne, blackheads and pigmentation. It is then your skin requires special attention and care to regain its lost blemish-free and plush look.
Our solution from Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre is to indulge in a few effective aesthetic facial treatments from time to time to get rid of all skin disorders. Facial treatments revitalize the skin and lend it a healthy sheen.
We have assembled the 4 most effective facial treatments here, illustrating their benefits. Read through and learn everything that you need to know.
1. Chemical and Lacto Peels for a Radiant Skin:
Peels provide excellent results for a variety of aesthetic problems on the face. They are classified according to their intensity, namely:
Light Peels for Radiant Skin: This type of skin peels perform a gentle and moderate exfoliation, offering a deep facial cleansing, smoothening the fine lines of expression, eliminating minor spots, helping to control the sebaceous secretion and softening the complexion. This type of peels are mild on skin and does not cause any irritation, so they can be used on sensitive skin as well.
An example of such light peeling is the lactopeel treatment that can be applied throughout the year without erupting any dire side-effect.
Moderate Skin Peeling: These peels act at a greater depth than the previous ones and are commonly used to combat signs of photo-ageing, acne lesions, moderate intensity spots, marked wrinkles, etc.
Mandelic acid, retinoic acid and trichloroacetic acid in concentrations between 20% and 35% are some examples of medium peels.
They cause a slight peeling of transient skin and redness, but they do not alter daily activity. It is better if they are carried out during winter, since these peels may photosensitize the skin.
Deep Skin Peels for Clear, Smooth Skin: These deep skin peels are only done by a trained professional at a skin clinic. They are used to eliminate the deep wrinkles, scars, marks and precancerous skin elements. They require a recovery period of approximately 2 weeks and can be performed every 2 months or more.
2. Dermarollers:
Dermaroller is a very effective aesthetic tool, it is used to treat various alterations in the skin of both the face and the body. It consists of a roller with titanium microneedles or surgical steel that vary in size depending on the problem and the area to be treated.
It is used for the smoothening of wrinkles, stretch marks, acne lesions and scars, as well as to combat sagging and remove blemishes. The effectiveness of this facial treatment is that the microneedles temporarily open the pores of the treated area generating the release of growth factors, the production of collagen and elastin and cell regeneration.
3. Radio-Frequency Treatment / Tempsure Envi:
It is the ideal treatment to eliminate fine or moderate wrinkles and flaccidity in the face, recover the volume lost over the years, model the contour of the jaw, submental region and neck. It also gives excellent results in the treatment of post acne scars and dilated pores.
Unlike conventional radiofrequency, the Tempsure Envi targets precise skin lesions within the tissue and causes a healing response, increasing the collagen fibres of the skin. From the first session, the skin feels much more fresh, revitalized and plush. It is prescribed for the rejuvenation of mature skin, and also for delaying the signs of ageing in people 30 years and older. Here is an image displaying the result of the treatment.
4. Microdermabrasion Diamond Tipped:
It is a type of exfoliation that is done with the help of a dermabrasion wand consisting of diamond microcrystals cutter and suction technology. This treatment can be used alone or can be combined with other practices, everything depends on the problem to be treated. It has the ability to stimulate the regeneration of the skin, eliminate dead cells, help in the production of collagen and elastin, and soften fine lines. From the first session, the results are noticed, the skin feels much smoother and more luminous. Here is an image that reflects how effective Microdermabrasion can be:
All of these aforementioned facial treatments are really effective and if you are genuinely looking out for your skin, consult a skin doctor first and start taking care of your skin in a proper manner.
Always remember, Beautiful skin requires your commitment, not a miracle!